The DGTIC: Organization

  • General direction


    • Service of the process of data
            - Responsible for the technological platform that allows the management|formality of the Government
            - He|She|It organizes and it|he|she maintains the systems of information
            - He|She|It manages the corporative network|net of data of the Government
            - It|He|She provides all users access to the new information technologies


    • Service of information systems
            - It|He|She keeps the applications of management|formality corporative in the Government in charge of the DGTIC: system of general register|record of E/S, system of reports follow-up sancionadorsi el sis tema QSSI of initiatives and complaints.
            - It|He|She coordinates and it|he|she maintains -as for contents, design and incorporation of new functionality- the Webs of the Government.
            - He|She|It Collaborates with the ministries in the analysis and study of alternativesd e software and in the elaboration|dressmaking of the folds of technical presincripcions to watch that the valid regulations is fulfilled as for systems of the information.
            - It|He|She coordinates the implantation of the telematic services and other strategic projects in subjects of Digital Administration.


    • Service of communications and radio
            - Responsible for the telecommunications of the Government: fixed|steady and mobile telephony, data and access to Internet
            - It|He|She administers the competences|competitions of the autonomic administration on the subject of sound broadcast in FM, local TDT and Cable
            - He supervises the elaboration of the Sectorial Directive Plan of Telecommunications


    • Service of security|certainty
            - Responsible for the definition of the policies|politics of preventive security|certainty in communications, systems and applications
            - He supervises the implementation of security|certainty components in|on the corporative network|net of the Government
            - It|He|She coordinates the technological aspects|looks related to the fulfillment|compliment of the LOPD