The DGTIC: Commission of computer science

The procedure on the part of a ministry or organization|organism of the Government of a related project technological a mbmatèries (included the acquisition of machinery, applications, programs, web pages...) general of Technology and Communications has to count on the previous approval on the part of the Commission Superior|Upper of Systems of Information in Technology and Communications or with the report of authorization|accreditation of the director, according to the nature of the project.

For all those projects that just they require from the report of authorization|accreditation of the general director of Technology and Communications you can request the report through the following telematic formality. In the circular that is attached to the section of documentation of interis you can find information with respect to the procedure that regulates this request.


<< Request of the preceptive report for the authorization|accreditation of the folds of technical prescriptions of the projects on the subject of systems of information >>


Documentation of interis

 Decree 126/2010, of 23 December, for which they regulate the Commission Superior|Upper of Systems of Information in Technology and Communications and the acquisition, the alienation, the rent and the maintenance of goods and services of the systems of information

 Circular 1/2011 of the general director of Technology and Communications related to the procedure of request of the preceptive report for the authorization|accreditation of the folds of technical prescriptions of the projects on the subject of systems of information

PDF Decret 11/2012, de 17 de febrer, de modificació del Decret 126/2010, de 23 de desembre, pel qual es regulen la Comissió Superior de Sistemes d’Informació en Tecnologia i Comunicacions i l’adquisició, l’alienació, l’arrendament i el manteniment de béns i serveis dels sistemes d’informació

  Model of technical prescriptions fold