Service of the Center of Process of Data and Network|Net: Corporative Network|Net

Managed together by the different|distinct services of the DGTIC, the corporative network|net of the Government of the Balearic Islands connects between|among yes all its|his|her|their main centers, headquarters|sees of ministries and organizations|organisms, and he|she|it stretches also in the educational and sanitary centers.

  • Integrated network|net of data, sees and video
  • Technology of transmission
          Own network|net with technology ATM
          Speed of transmission: 155 Mbps
          Inter-island links (Mallorca with Menorca and Eivissa) also in 155 Mbps.
          3 Radio Links
          Capilar extension with private ADSL in 4 Mbps.
          Internet left in process of enlargement until 34 Mbps.
  • Extension of the network|net
          105 Km of optical fibre
          52 main nodes connected by ATM
          More than 30 official buildings and 8 hospitals connected to Mallorca
          ADSL of own network|net for 263 dependences
  • Network|Net deprived from voice
          870 mobile telephones
          33 integrated switchboards
          + of 5.000 extensions and about 3.000 public numbers
          9 Paleozoics of fixed|steady telephony
          2 Paleozoics of mobile telephony
          3 external links with public companies or autonomous entities
  • Center of network|net operations
          Monitorització of performance levels in real time|weather
          Detection of incidences
          Management|Formality of congestions