Day of the Balearic Islands

On the 1st March 1983 the Statute of Autonomy came into force and in commemoration of this ephemeris it is celebrated every year on the Day of the Balearic Islands.

More information about the Day of the Balearic Islands.


Gold Medals of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands

The Gold Medal is the maximum award that the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands in attention concedes to the merits of the persons and institutions that they have highlighted in its|his|her|their task of conformation of a fairer and solidary society|company from different aspects|looks of its|his|her|their activity: cultural, literary, entrepreneurial, humanist, research and love to|in the community.

More Information sobre les Gold Medals of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.


Prizes Ramon Llull

The Prize Ramon Llull de la Comunitat Autònoma of the Balearic Islands was created through the Decree 5/1997, of 23 January, once no had been published in the BOCAIB. 15 of 4 February 1997.

The awarding of the distinction is made previous agreement of the Council|Piece of Advice of Government by Decree, at the proposal of the president of the government of the Balearic Islands or of a counselor. According to the article|item 4 of the Decree of creation, the number of distinctions that the Council|Piece of Advice of Government determines will be conceded.

More Information about the Prizes Ramon Llull.